Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

In October 1869, the postcard was born in Austria. Thanks to Raphael Tuck, a German printer and lithographer, postcard became a popular mode of greetings in Europe. In, 1873, the US government issued plain postcards for a cent. However, the monopoly of the same was broken when commercial picture postcards were issued in 1893. When the World War I broke out the golden age of picture postcards came to an end. However, today there are clubs and groups that are reviving that lost glory.

Ways to Make Money With Postcards

One of the most popular way is to find out if there is someone who would be willing to part with a large number of postcards. The postcards could deal with subjects such as photographs, illustrations of modes of transportation, sports, important personalities and so on. It could be anything that catches one's interest and could be sold easily.

There are many online malls, which allow you to buy the postcards outright, or place a bid on the selected cards. Else, purchase cards from someone who is willing to part with his rare collection of cards. Once you have enough cards with you, segregate the cards into two categories - the ones that could be sold easily and the ones that could take a bit of time.

Once the postcards are segregated, you have to price them. It is wise to check the prices on the Internet, or consult someone who is an expert in making money with postcards. You could post an ad in one of the online advertising sites. Else, you can submit your cards and the price tag on one of the malls on the Internet.

This can become your new hobby too. If you want to keep certain cards for yourself, later you would have quite a large personal collection of beautiful and rare postcards.

Where to Look for Antique Postcards

If you are a genuine collector, you would definitely know where to look for such cards. Some antique shops and pre-owned bookstores trade postcards. If you search the boxes in your attic, you may sometimes come across cards of olden days. There are many clubs and groups who actively promote the hobby of collecting cards. They would help you in getting in touch with the other collectors. A club would allow you to display the stamps that you want to sell and also purchase the cards put up for sale.

The cards, which are in great demand, include advertising cards belonging to the companies such as Coca-Cola and Cherry Smash. Macerated money-cards, cards of the former US presidents, sports teams and art nouveau are a few popular types of cards.

Before you spend on postcards, it is wise to consult an expert in this field. He would be able to guide you regarding the present-day commercial worth of such. For instance, of the hundreds of postcards issued before 1914 only a few were popular. You have to research a bit before plunging headlong into the business of making money, using postcards.

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