Imagine that you need a loan to buy, say a car. What do you do? Simple, approach a lender. The lender will basically go through some...
Effective Leadership Qualities and Skills
Have you ever been the kind to always take initiative in various activities or have you been the kind to shy away from being in the ...
Business Grants for Women Entrepreneurs
Business grants for women entrepreneurs have assumed great importance over the last few years. Governments all around the world have...
How to Promote a Business
Promoting a business via the Internet can be a cost-effective technique, provided the product is known to have a good online market....
Excellent Credit Score Range
One thing that really matters when getting a loan application sanctioned, is an individual's credit score. While the number is n...
Investing in Real Estate for Retirement
Over the last few years, the interest rates of various investments have fallen and despite all the attempts taken to make the econom...
What Is Marketing Mix
The term Marketing Mix can be defined as the framework of four variables, popularly referred to as the 4Ps. The amalgamation of the...
Small Business Grants for Minority Women
Small business grants for minority women are a better option in comparison to taking small business loans, as unlike loans, these gr...
Carbon Tax
The problem of global warming is not exactly new to us and there are several ways in which transition to environmental-friendly ener...
Index Funds Vs. Mutual Funds
These days, inflation is rising which denotes that the products of daily use are getting more and more expensive. As compared to pas...
Types of Team Building Activities
Think about it, any organization has to have a well connected network of employees so that there is increased efficiency which then ...
What is Contribution Margin
Contribution margin is an interesting and well-known concept in the field of accounting. It has special significance in the speciali...
Questions to Ask a Financial Planner
A financial planner is a practicing professional who helps people deal with personal financial issues in areas like cash flow management, re...
Marketing Environment
Every marketing strategy has to meet with certain challenges when it's launched in the market. A detailed identification of such...
How does Counterfeit Money Affect the Economy
Did you know... ... that Superdollar is the name given to a $100 bill of the United States that is actually, a counterfeit. It is o...
How to Get Out of Jury Duty
In the United States, often citizens are asked to report for service as a juror in legal proceedings. This is known as being called ...
Product Placement in Digital Media
Marketing experts opine that for a company to not only survive but also to beat the competition, it's necessary to find out abou...
Best Investments for Deflation
In cases where the economic conditions tip the balance of any economy to one side, investing becomes problematic and also uncertain....
Types of Leadership
If you look at modern organizations today, you will find managers adopting different kinds of leadership styles, in order to achieve...
Ways to Invest $1000
So you just won a jackpot? Congratulations! But what's next? I am sure you are not one of those who believe in enjoying life by ...
Market Value of Debt Explained
Of all the tasks involved in the management of a company, one of the most important ones is ensuring capital allocation to run the b...