Kamis, 08 September 2011

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved." This quote by George MacDonald tells us the importance of trust in any relationship. Trust is the most important factor as far building and preserving any relationship is concerned. Although, it may acquire different meanings in different relationships like that of a husband and a wife, a parent and a child, a superior and a subordinate etc., but the truth remains that building trust takes a lot of time and commitment and losing it just takes a few moments. The youth of a country is her future as well as its hope. So, it becomes very important that the virtues of trust, confidence and faith are instilled in them early on so that they become a force a nation can reckon with.

One of the common trust activities for the youth is the "blindfolded game" in which one member of the team is blindfolded and his partner is responsible for guiding him through the obstacles to complete a course. When one of them has completed the activity, the roles are interchanged and the course changed. This allows in developing communication and trust among the participants. One thing that you should remember is that this activity should be conducted after the participants have known each other for sometime as playing this game too early can cause physical and emotional harm. Try to indulge the members in some sort of ice-breaking sessions before moving onto the blindfolded activity.

Another popular team building activity is "Run the Gauntlet". In this activity, the participants are made to stand in two rows so that they are facing each other. Then every participant has to raise his arms in towards the center of the line. A member has to pass through the center of the line in such a way that he/she doesn't come in contact with any raised arm. The course is completed when the member is able to cross the hurdle and reach the other end.

The musical chairs activity may seem antiquated, but you can make some minor changes to this game so that it is more appealing to the youngsters. This game is played by arranging chairs in a circular way in such a way that the number of chairs is one less than the number of participants. Then music is played and participants have to walk around the chairs and as soon as the music is stopped, all of them try to sit on the nearest chair. Ideally, the player who is left standing is eliminated from the game and a chair is also removed. But to make the game more interesting, you can remove one chair, without eliminating any of the participants so that when the music stops, all of them have to squeeze into one chair. It can be so much fun but do ensure that the chairs you are using are sturdy otherwise you will have to 'take care' of a lot of stuff when the activity is over!

Another activity which is effective for building trust is the "eye-contact" activities. It may sound a bit strange to participants but the activity definitely helps them in building confidence and trust. In this activity all you have to do is to get people stand in front of each other and make them look into each others eyes for about a minute or two. This will help the youngsters in developing necessary skills which will help them later in their life.

One of the other trust building activities for the youth is the "trust lean" activity. In this exercise, pairs of participants are required and one of them takes the role of a "faller" and the other is the "catcher". The 'faller" then cries out, "I am about to fall, is there anyone to catch me?". The "catcher" replies by saying "Yes, I am there to catch you". Then the "faller" slowly leans off the ground as if falling and the "catcher" has to ensure that he doesn't fall. You can carry this activity on for about ten minutes and then you can swap the "catcher" and the "faller".

The only drawback of some of these activities is that they need to be carried out with utmost precaution as there is always a risk of physical injury. So, if you are in-charge of conducting these activities, then you have to take all the precautionary measures so that the whole idea of carrying out these exercises serves the right purpose.

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