Senin, 14 November 2011

Buying, repairing and restoring old homes and then selling them off at a higher price is the house flipping business in a nutshell. One of the most sought after businesses currently, offering a multitude of opportunities, it is an excellent occupation to take up. If you are a contractor with years of expertise, and if you have a good team of professionals who know how to turn Cinderellas into princesses, house flipping is like a natural profession for you.

How to Create a House Flipping Business Plan?

I assume that since you are getting into this business, you already have a background in home construction work as a contractor or an architect. It is essential that you are familiar with structural engineering, civil engineering and interior decoration. If not, you should at least have people in your team whom you can consult about all these aspects. Knowledge and its application is always the key in any business and house flipping is no exception to this. First and foremost, get a guy on board who has been in this business for some time and knows his way around. Tips that you get from such a person will be invaluable. Here is how you can create a plan.

Research Costs Involved
One of the first things to do, which is an integral part of any business plan, is to research the costs involved in this business. This includes real estate investment cost, labor and material costs, as well as other extraneous expenses that you might incur while obtaining permits, commissioning contractors and the marketing costs to sell the property. You need to create a financial plan, which tells you how much money you need, when you need it and from where are you getting it. This financial equation is the most important thing. As suggested before, gather a good team of construction professionals around you who can help you with this.

Survey the Local Real Estate for Flippable Homes
Check out the local real estate prices and potential properties on sale that might fetch a better price if only they are repaired and renovated.

Thorough Inspection Is the Key
Before you decide to select a house for flipping, you need to inspect the house thoroughly and know the structural and cosmetic repair tasks that you might have to carry out. If it's your first house flipping job, start with a home that doesn't need major repairs.

Make an Estimate of the Investment and Possible Returns
Once you have chosen a house, calculate the costs involved in the repair and renovation work that you are carrying out. Gauge the profit you could make by selling the property. Once you are sure, you can buy the property.

Establish a Time Frame and Start Work
After that, actual work can begin, with a precise set time frame and a renovation plan, that is complete with all the details, has been created. Think about how you can bring out the best out of the old building while making minimum changes. Flipping houses is quite a tough job and here is where you expertise or your panel of experts will come into play.

Take Help from Real Estate Agencies
Once work is finished, you can think about selling it. It is best to take help from real estate agencies as they know the target market for the kind of home you are selling. Promote the sale on your own through advertisements.

Pick Wisely and Sell Smartly
The key, in this business, is to know which houses are flippable and will fetch a good sum of money after renovation. It will take time for your eye to develop. Set a price that is high enough to get a decent profit and low enough to be attractive. Starting a house flipping business is all about patience and hard work.

Think realistically and spend a lot of time in working out all the details and the costs involved. Only after you think that you have worked out the whole equation of house flipping and analyzed all the risks involved, create a plan that can take all those factors into consideration. Start small and give every work of yours, the best shot that you can give. Every job well done is going to bring you more customers as your work speaks for itself. Don't forget that Rome was not built in a day, and it will take time for your business to catch up. All the best!

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