Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Ron, a bright lad studying in high school was woefully short of cash. He borrowed money a couple of times from his friends, but after that he felt too ashamed to ask anyone for money. Finally one day he decided that he had to do something, after all how long would he keep borrowing money from his friends? After hunting for jobs for a few days he landed up with a job.

This might have been the case with quite a few college students and people, I am sure. But the point here is what could have been the options in front of so many others like Ron? Actually, come to think of it, there are a number of ideas which can help you earn a buck or two.

Easy Money Making Ideas for Kids

Love lemonade? That is the first and the easiest answer to how the kids can make money. Make loads of lemonade and sell it. You can surely earn a good amount. Although, that amount will accumulate over a period of time and the first day you may not even earn $4 to 5, but keep at it kiddos! Make sure your lemonade stand is prominent and bright, so that you can attract passersby. This is one of the most cliched money making ideas for kids, but hey, it works!

Ahoy there kids! You are going to love this. See if your mother dearest would help you bake some cookies and some other comparatively easy bakery items. Make the cakes as colorful and attractive as you can. Akin to your lemonade stand, make the stall catchy so that the people passing by, stop for a bite.

Well, you see a future BBC or NY Times journalist or Picasso or Joe Satriani in your kid ? Well, a great idea would be to channelize and hone the artistic skills of your kid. For instance, if the kid is good at painting, may be you can set up and exhibition in the city or town hall or something. It is sure to take the talent of the kid a step above as well!

Old neighbors with a messy garden are a blessing in disguise! Obviously, being old, the neighbors would not mind a helping hand to maintain their garden. A kid from 5 or 6 grade can easily be of good help. What's more he or she does not need to take a lot of risk and the world could get a splendid botanist in the future if the child is driven by interest!

Time now to give a break to child's play and move on to an elder lot! See what all college students can do to earn easy money!

Easy Money Making Ideas for College Students

Part-time jobs! Yes, they are the easiest way to earn money when you are in college. It can be anything from working in a business process outsourcing venture to working in a fast food joint. Experience of the big bad world out there as well as some bucks to live by, not a bad deal, is it?

Sometimes people who score low in some subjects (when you are the top scorer) can prove to be an advantage for you. Do you get the drift? No? Let me tell you. A best idea to make some money out of this would be to act tutor to that student who is weak in the subject in which you are really good at! What say? You earn money and at the same time you get better at what you have learned! What say?

This is mostly for girls, but guys can try their hand at it. If you think you have a fetish and a knack in cooking and people close to you think you are good, cash in on it. Consider catering as an option for getting a few well earned bucks. Plus, you also get the satisfaction of making people happy!

Have too much of junk things and you want to get rid of them? Why not have a yard sale? Setting up yard sale is another good option. It is always nice to get rid of the unwanted things and junk in the house and make some free space. The only condition is that the yard sale signs should be catchy and the pricing of yard sale items should be cleverly done!

Apart from these, college students can make money doing a lot of things, one just needs to put the thinking cap on! You may be wondering if this is it. But that is not at all the case! There are a host of easy money making ideas to add to this list! You can baby-sit, walk a dog, make money online and do loads of other things! I am sure now with all these ideas, you would never be short of cash!

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