A team, in simple terms, is when a group of people head towards a common goal. Heading towards the goal is considered a task, and this task in turn is divided into many smaller sub-tasks. The making of a team is essential to cover these sub-tasks, as each requires different skills and different functioning. A team in an organization is the perfect example of a symbiotic functioning. To build this team, we bring to you some effective team building exercises. Some of these can be implemented or applied in bigger groups as well. The importance of these exercises is highly underestimated today. They not only help in building the team, but also in improving the overall environment of a workplace. Not to forget the better productivity that can be achieved through effective working. Team building activities are slowly being inculcated in the work culture as a compulsory phenomenon. These exercises are best suited for groups that comprise 5 - 10 members. If you want to see some amazing improvement in the functioning of your team, these exercises are exactly what you need.
Quick Team Building Exercises for Small Groups
Strengths and Weaknesses
All the members of the team should sit down together every once a month and discuss each other's strengths and weaknesses. If one member is weak in a particular process, he can ask someone to help him out. Sometimes, work can be exchanged depending on who can do it better. This consideration will bring about a feeling of comfort in the team members, and thus help build the team further in terms of proficiency. The work will be done in the most efficient way as everyone will be putting in their best. When help is provided in any way from team members, it helps in growing as a team. Every member should write down his strengths and his weaknesses, and keep adding to this list every month, even the smallest details.
Problem Solving
It is not possible to discuss your problems everyday, as this will only delay the work you need to get done. For a month, write down all the problems you face on an individual level. This can also include another team member's attitude towards work, non co-operation from another member, and so on. On the last day of the month or on the first day of the next, discuss these problems as an exercise to build your team. Dedicate that day of every month to this exercise of problem solving. When the problems in a team are solved together, it gets in a feeling of joint work. When someone helps to solve the problems you listed down, you immediately feel good about the gesture and make sure you don't disappoint that team member.
Enhancing Communication
One of the best, is an exercise that enhances the communication in that group. This exercise can be something as simple as each member taking turns and discussing what he / she feels about the work of the other members. Initially, you can start off with easy exercises to build communication. You can discuss each other's goals and achievements in life, so as to know each other better. Once this is done, you can decide and play one communication building game every week, on the last day, just for an hour. You'll can sit together and form a system of easy messaging within the group, where long messages can be converted into short ones, through abbreviations and codes, to save time in the work processes.
Some interesting team building games can prove to be excellent team building exercises. These games will not only help in some recreation but will also give the team some time to interact on a social level. For example, give all the team members a task, work related but more fun. Something that they can do easily. Whoever completes this game the earliest, gets a reward! Another great way to go about these games can be this. Whoever wins the game(s), gets to be the team lead for that month. Members together can also attend workshops and seminars that talk about team building. The company can arrange for these workshops and seminars in the office itself. Thus, team building can be some great fun too! Here are three examples of games you can play to build your team.
Game 1: Ask all the members of the group to sit in a circle. Each member will write down one good trait about all the members present, and one bad trait too. Once everyone has finished writing, one by one they will read aloud what they have written. The others will either agree or disagree to each trait. If majority of the votes agree, that member should change the bad and also focus more on improving what is already good. This game will motivate the members to improve the skills where they lack.
Game 2: Every member gets to prepare a list of 20 questions, all of which should be related to knowing more about someone else. For example, 'What was your dream as a child?', 'What are your current career plans?', and 'Tell us something about you we don't know'. Sit in a circle while playing this game. Any member can start from his right. He needs to ask 1 question per member, one by one. At the end of this game, the members will know a lot more about each other than they did before. Knowing your members in the first step of team building.
Game 3: Write 20 words related to your work process. These words can be names of processes, software, and important customers you work for. Mix up all the words to form a game that represents a word jumble. Mix up your sheets and make sure you don't get yours in return. Every member will get 1 minute to solve this puzzle game. At the end of this game, members might learn more about the work, and this will undoubtedly also increase the team spirit.
Set Common Targets and Goals
Setting common targets and goals for the entire team, every month, can lead to team building many ways. When the entire team has to complete a task in a given time, they have to work together as one. In turn, the team members can themselves set targets for the month or week. Setting a milestone together and finding the best ways to cross it also adds to the enthusiasm in the work. In this process, the employees also understand the importance of working in a team. Working in a team is very beneficial as your drawbacks are covered by your teammates. Once every employee understands this, they will value their team more, and a feeling of respect will develop between all the members.
These were some interesting team building exercises for small groups that you can implement in your workplace, and see the positive effects for yourself. Working as a team has obvious advantages, but it is also important for the team to function properly. Team building gets you closer. Effective communication and proper distribution of work are the key factors in building a proper team, so focus mainly on these. These exercises will also make sure that the environment in the office remains enthusiastic and active! Best of Luck!
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