Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Team building is a crucial activity which has to be performed for the employees as they have different cultural backgrounds, religions, behavior, ways of thinking, etc. This act is primarily carried out by an executive team leader, who may also appoint another person for handling team building activities. The total quality and quantity of productivity mainly depends on the way a team works. If there is unity and understanding within the team, good results are ought to be seen. If the relationships in a team are bad, the results would not be as expected. Team building is also an effective factor when the members in a team are supposed to work with members from another teams. It helps them all to coordinate with each other efficiently and without any differences in goals. Executive team building is totally different from the usual methods of team building. Its main aim is to bond employees together, which makes them work together and contribute to the productivity of the company without any team clashes.

This can benefit in many ways, as it breaks down the roadblock present between employees, in an entertaining way. It includes encouraging team members to take part in several group events and activities, which result in good communication and teamwork. The corporate atmosphere is filled with work pressure, in such an environment, it is impossible for team members to know each other in a good manner. Team building activities encourage and promote these members to communicate and create some interpersonal relationships. Corporates with different working styles, behavior, and characters can come together and know each other well, which would enable them to work efficiently while in a team for a specific project. With such activities, the management certainly comes to know the factors which induce self-motivation and behavioral characteristics in the executives who are performing well.

The executive team leaders play a very important role in team building activities, and they need to plan the activities, focus on results, and bind the team together in a way that the team would prove profitable to the company. Executive team building lets the executives know that they are required to come up with their individual leadership and management styles.

The most used activity is, going for an outing on weekends with all team members. In such trips, a lot of attention is paid to the venue, food, accommodations and many other things. Planning such things for an outing is necessary, but it is given more importance than the required team building activities. The team building activities they are supposed to do, once they reach the venue, is considered as an afterthought. The executive team leader should ensure that the group size should be relatively small, as large teams may become difficult to manage, which would hinder the possibility of binding a team together.

In some companies, executive team building is a neglected subject. The top management cares only about the employees' productivity and not about the factors that would motivate or induce them to work more efficiently. There is a misconception that, only ordinary workers with no education and training need team building, whereas executives already have qualities of working efficiently in a team. However, such team building activities would benefit corporates in the same manner in which ordinary people are benefited.

Executive team building is the best way to make the executives know about other employees, which can encourage effective work coordination between team members or different teams.

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