Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

If we really sat down to calculate how much of our salaries go into just buying groceries, it would probably leave us all shocked! It seems that almost 75% of our yearly earnings just go into buying food, the rest into travel expenses, such as paying for fuel, bus and subway tickets. How much do you suppose remains in hand for spending on yourself or for saving up for future contingencies? Of course there are many who need not worry about their budget, but there are plenty more who really require to check where their every penny is being spent. Truth be told, times are always hard on those who are hardest hit...however, did you know that tiny steps can help bring about a positive transformation in your daily lifestyle? It's true as the daylight, believe me, I too have had tough times saving up. What can you save, when there isn't anything left in the bank to be saved! Follow these basic guidelines on the best ways to save money on groceries, and it will only make things better for you and the entire family in every sense possible.

Grow Your Vegetables
If you have space in your backyard or terrace, try and set up a small green house or garden bed that you can plant seasonal vegetable seeds in. If you can't try opting for hanging containers in which you can grow your veggies. This will ensure that you won't need to buy those particular vegetables from the market. Plant an assortment of vegetables, such as eggplants, tomatoes, cabbages and beans. The advantage of growing your own veggies at home, is that you can be assured that they will be fresh, safe and free! You will also known for sure that they won't contain the possibility of having been treated with fertilizers etc. You can make organic soil mixes and fertilizers at home using natural substances and wastes from the kitchen.

Cook From Scratch
Make your meals from scratch, this will help prevent you from buying processed foods. The best advantage about this rule, is that it would make sure that you eat healthy all the way. Processed foods and ready to eat meals have chemicals and high concentration of fats, and salts that exceed the levels that you would normally consume, had you cooked at home. The fact to remember is that it isn't just about today and your expenses this year, it's more importantly about your overall health and general well-being. If you do not choose to eat healthy, ask yourself as to if you would be willing to spend for your medical bills when you fall ill? Not a very appealing idea is it? The safest way out is to cook fresh vegetables, enjoy tastier meals and live healthier.

Buy In Bulk
If you are given the choice between quantities, always buy food in bulk so that you can store it. This rule applies only to foods that have a longer shelf life, such as butter, oil, cheese, flour, seeds, pulses, etc. The reason for buying in bulk being that you would be able to get a rebate on larger quantities, especially if purchased on wholesale. You can also try and shop for vegetables at the nearest farmer's market, they sell at much lower rates as compared to stores. One of the ways to save money on grocery bills is to save up more before the 'SALE' season begins, so that you can stock up more.

Make a List and Stick to It
This rule will save you a lot of trouble, all you need to do is to write down all the items that you require urgently. Make a long list, so that you need not have to return to the groceries for that entire month. One or two trips a month should be your guiding law, a law that will help you save your own money. Now comes the toughest part...when you finally reach the store, focus! Do not let yourself get swayed and distracted by all the yummy things on the shelf. That is what marketing is all about, they sell using shiny attractive packages that make you want to buy them. But remember that's not what you came for, so fight the temptation. Stick to your list, pick up only those things that you wrote down and steer ahead on to the next item on your list. Also try and compare brands of the same product. For example when faced with the option of purchasing macaronis, buy the brand that sells the same quantity at a lower rate.

Though, if you really want to stick to your favorite brand, then do that, you should not deny yourself so much as that. Stick to what you like, but make sure it fits into your budget beforehand. One of the most important tips to save money on groceries, is to always go shopping alone, so that you do not have children or other family members destroying your (POA) Plan of Action. Do not let any body interfere with your budget, remember it's your money so you decide how to spend it for the greater good! You can always keep the family happy by including their necessities into your list before you head out for the final encounter. The lesser the trips for shopping, the lesser the money you waste on fuel.

Collect Coupons
Check before you leap. Do a thorough search as to which stores are offering the widest range of discounts and coupons. You should also check websites owned by stores so as to get hold of their printable coupons. Also keep a look out for clip and use coupons, double coupon day and other offers. If these offers are very infrequent and unpredictable, then try and join your favorite store's affinity program so that you get access to a privilege membership.

An ideal way to save money is to, plan out your monthly budget and allot a specific amount for pending purchases. The goal of lowering expenses must be your ultimate goal, and if you stick to your plan it will begin to show positive results soon enough. So go ahead and start today.

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