Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Etiquette is just not confined to the use of the right type of fork at the dinner table. It involves everything which has to do with saying the right things, dressing the right way, to doing the right thing. In other words, being at your best behavior. Business etiquette is just about following etiquette at your workplace. Contrary to many people's beliefs, proper etiquette has nothing to do with being upright and stuffy, it's rather being smart and well cultured. Showing everyone that you have a polished and sophisticated side to you would get you one notch up on others.

What is Business Etiquette?
Business etiquette has everything to do with good manners and appropriate habits. So what kind of behavior can be constituted as good for workplace? For this, let's take a look at some dos and don'ts of work etiquette which you might be doing unconsciously at your workplace.

Proper Dressing Sense
Everyone seems to like commenting on other's dressing sense, but how a person dresses up in an office has real significance in the corporate world. A sleek and smart look would make a favorable impression rather than a tardy and messy appearance. What to wear and what not to wear at office is an important question as this whole arena has become ambiguous due to constantly changing fads. Sticking to formal wear is the only way one can exhibit proper workplace etiquette in dressing. Women should avoid wearing too loud colored clothes or even sleeveless blouses and short skirts are not advisable for those who want follow professional dress code. For men, formal shirts with full sleeves and an uncreased attire would do the trick for exhibiting dressing etiquette.

Business Phone Etiquette
Many times, a phone call seals the fate of a business deal and it's important that you excel at the art of pleasant conversation. If you are not required to say any specific company's intro, then make sure that you give out your name or designation while answering any business call. The key to getting business telephone etiquette right is to carefully fetch all the information from the client. Profanity or aggressive tone during telephone conversation can cause a big dent to your company's image, so it is but obvious that you should refrain from such behavior if you are concerned about etiquette at work. Pay attention to what the person on the other end of the phone is saying. Do not interrupt him/her because interrupting someone who is speaking has always been considered rude even it reeks of being chivalric.

If you are transferring any call, kindly inform the person that you are doing so as this is the rudest thing people complain of when they call any customer service. Never in any instance, slam down your phone, remember that you wouldn't like this to happen to you. Other thing you got remember concerning telephone etiquette is that if you have told someone who you will give him/her a call, then you should keep your word and courteously call that person even if there is no further progress in the matter concerned. These are just some of phone etiquette, be it business or home it should reflect in voice and conversation on phone.

Business Email Etiquette
Business communication is just what every one wants to master and perfect. Though emailing can be done even by a 3 year old, exhibiting proper business email etiquette can be just a tad difficult. The first commandment of business email etiquette is never to make spelling and grammatical mistakes. Include all the details in the email so that you do not have to reply to queries again and again. Make sure that the tone of the email is proper and is actually what you wanted. To find out that tone of the email is appropriate, you can read the email aloud. Business letters and likewise, business emails are supposed to be formal and devoid of any errors. But unlike business letters, business emails have a scope of being light and crisp and can express pleasant disposition of yours. Write correct names and addresses because the client or customer wouldn't appreciate anything less than that. If you are sending an attached file of considerable size, then ensure that your email would actually reach the desired destination without bouncing.

Business etiquette is a must to climb up the ladder of success in the corporate world. These etiquette are not just about getting your grammar right while speaking in a conference or writing an email. Instead it's about you being in your Sunday best and being courteous to whomever you interact with.

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