Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Remember those enchanting fairy tales where some angels or genies or kings used to ask the mere mortals "tell me your 3 wishes and I will grant them"? There would be money asked for, gold, jewelry and the like. If there would have been a new age genie asking this to a commoner now, the individual would surely ask about fiscal matters and financial management - how to earn money and how to save it! Oh yes, someone might even ask the genie as to what is the best way to invest money! On a serious note though, investing 1000 dollars or the like in a fruitful endeavor is crucial. Any amount of money invested is important and that has to be done wisely.

Best Investment Options for Thousand Dollars

You just need to put on your thinking cap and give a serious thought to where would your money be the safest with reasonable returns with regards to best way to invest $1000. The safety and assurance that your money is secure is pivotal to investment.

'Educated' Investment
If you have kids and are worried about their future and education expenses, you can invest the money in a 529 plan account. It will be a government facility and every state has such accounts specially meant for people to save for the college education of their kids. Further, the money put in by the people grow tax free.

C for Charity
Giving money for senior citizens' home or for the home for underprivileged is a great option. You will get the satisfaction of having invested the money in the right place. Assisted living community coordinator's help will be required, though in this case. Make a nice casual and friendly visit to whatever resource you pay for. If you are genuine and are giving them whatever they want, you might be called again. After you initially give the money, you have a good chance to make the money later, provided you keep on visiting and take something for those residing in the resource you are investing in!

Back to Business
Want to know the best way - invest one thousand dollars in your friend's business if he is setting up one. Claim stakes in the business your friend wishes to start. Of course, make sure there is amount decided beforehand of ownership against your $1,000. Well, yes there are 50-50 chances that you may lose it if the business does not take off. However, there is also this possibility that the business of your friend will get an amazing kick start and will continue to grow. If that happens, you will get a regular amount from those $1000. Who knows the amount you get may quadruple or increase by leaps and bounds!

Treasure Island
The government treasury is another best way to invest money. Consider purchasing Treasury bonds direct from the US government. As per the US government treasury site, Bonds will get you an interest every six months till they mature. After a bond matures, the owner gets the face value of the bond.

Stock it Up
Yet another best way to invest $1000 is to buy stocks. If you are into finance then you may not need financial consultation. But most of us are not aware of these fiscal matters. So if you want to buy stocks and invest in stocks, please talk to an investment adviser! Investing in stocks can be a really interesting venture.

There are many more things you can invest your $1000 in. There is Roth IRA, there is incremental purchase plans, mutual funds, bonds, investing overseas - organizing events and many more.

Invest anywhere but make sure you think over clearly about the returns and the risk factors. High risk endeavors may not turn out to be good investments! After all, it is all about money honey! All the best!

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