Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

The economic meltdown has proved that saving money for the future is as important as earning money today! With hundreds of people rendered jobless due to the economic recession and unable to meet even their day-to-day expenses, it has become extremely clear that one does, after all, need to save for the rainy day! But, how to save money? If this is the question on your mind, then the below given effective tips are exactly what you need...

Make a Monthly Budget
Inculcate the habit of making a budget every month, listing all your expenses and incomes. During budgeting, ensure that you save at least fifteen percent of all your income. This way you will know that you have only an X amount of money to spend as the rest has to be saved for the future.

Cut the Expenses
It is simple logic! Cut down all the unnecessary expenses and soon, you will be saving much more money. A good idea to do this is to prepare a list of items that you need before you set out shopping and then stick to the list! If you are staying at a bigger flat, consider renting a smaller one. Likewise, cut on your telephone bill, entertainment expenses, give up any membership of a club or a gym that you have but not used for ages, keep only one credit card, etc.

Pay Cash
If plastic money has made shopping convenient and safe, its biggest drawback is that we do not think twice before buying something which is way beyond our means. To save more money, it is suggested that you make most of your payments through cash. This will ensure that you do not buy something for which you don't have immediate cash available, thus saving a lot of money for you, which you would have otherwise paid as interest on credit card installments.

Cook at Home
One of the ways to save extra money is to cook and eat food at home. If you ever calculate the amount that you spend on eating out, you will be amazed that collectively it runs in thousands of dollars per month. So one of the tips for saving money and also for a healthier and hygienic diet, start cooking on your own at home!

Shop Intelligently
Another money saving tip is to shop from places where you get discounts. Various websites such as e-bay offer a cheaper and convenient alternative for buying various kinds of stuff. Buying from garage sales or shops that sell second hand goods is another alternative to save money on shopping.

Say No to Window Shopping
If you want to save money, you must stop impulsive shopping. Many a time, we buy things we like without even the need of it. So while you are on a budget, make sure that you buy only the stuff that you need and not what you want.

Get Best Deals
When you are shopping, make sure that you get the best deal. You can buy grocery in bulk and look out for discounts when you buy clothes. You can even get good deals in thrift stores and yard sales. Stock clearance and end-of-season sales are also a good option to save money.

Save on Electricity
By conserving energy, you are cutting your expenses and at the same time contributing to save the environment from global warming. Simple, by making sure that you switch off the lights, fans, TV and all other electric appliances when not in use, by buying energy efficient electrical appliances, by using devices which operate from solar energy and by lowering the thermostat in your house by two degrees during winter season and raising it by two degrees during the summer season from what you're used to normally keeping it.

Use Public Transport
A good idea is to travel by public transport. If the distance to be covered is less, you can even walk down, instead of spending money on filling gas in your vehicle.

Earn More
If you feel that you need to save much more than what you are doing right now, supplement your current income by taking a part-time job. You can even think of making more money by starting your own home based business.

In the end, it is suggested that besides saving money, making wise investments is equally important so that the money does not lie wasted in bank accounts. So invest your money wisely, cut down on your expenses and increase your avenues of income generation, for a safer future. All the best!

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