Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

'Interpersonal Intelligence' is a concept that was introduced by Howard Gardner, an American Developmental Psychologist. It is the ability to understand relationships and people, interpreting their moods and temperaments, recognizing their intentions and motivations. This is a vital factor for effective communication in both professional and personal life. Why do people often refer to relationships as complex? It is because one of the two persons in a relationship either misinterprets an action or say of the other or simply because they don't understand each other. So, there you have; relationship conflict! Likewise, not possessing or developing interpersonal intelligence can lead to conflicts at work or business. As per the definition, intelligence is something that we are born with but, having said that, this intelligence can be developed by being a part of various activities. Developing interpersonal skills can really be rewarding in building healthy business relationships as well as building and retaining personal relationships.

Interpersonal Intelligence Examples

Listed below are some characteristics of a person with interpersonal intelligence:
  • Displays excellent leadership skills
  • Sensitive to others feelings
  • Playing role of mediators or counselors
  • Good at understanding others
  • Co-operative when working with others
  • Demonstrates empathy towards others
  • Excellent at organizing chores/ work and communication
  • Influential and is admired by peers and family

It is true that; the qualities mentioned above come naturally to some. However, that doesn't mean that if you don't have it in you, you are forbidden to acquire it. Interpersonal intelligence is an intelligence that can be developed with certain efforts and activities. Check out some of the activities that you can involve in your daily lives, they are as follows:
  • Group Discussions and Projects - The purpose of being in a group discussion or a project can bring in a lot of difference in the way you communicate. Besides enhancing the communication skills, it also boosts the confidence of a person, as the activity is conducted in a group. Other qualities such as assertiveness, reasoning ability, spontaneous responses and leadership skills are also developed and polished when one participates in group discussions and projects.
  • Cooperative Games - Cooperative games and activities are a brilliant way to develop the interpersonal intelligence skills as one tends to mingle with different people belonging to different races and religions, with different point of views and understanding. Communication is the key as that is the first step to developing interpersonal skills. Playing outdoor games that requires a team and being a part of such a team is one of the ways to enhancing this characteristic. Leadership games for groups can also be involved as one of the activities.
  • Multicultural Books - Being confined and restricted to a particular group or belief can bring in a negative influence on the interpersonal skills of a person. After all we live in a global world, which obviously means we cannot escape from intercultural communication, we meet different people of different ethnicity and confining ourselves to a certain group restrains the growth of personality and results in developing narrow-minded, cynical approach to people and life. Reading multicultural books broadens one's horizons, familiarizes one with different cultures and languages and encourages friendly relationships.
  • Discussion Groups and Panels - Discussions play a very important role in effective interpersonal communication. Being a part of discussion groups and panels helps one to express their views in front of a large group or forum. It is a very effective method of developing these skills as in such forums one can understand how different people perceive things and what are their point of views, this way you get others' perspective about various issues.
Those were some of the techniques and ideas to develop your intelligence. If you notice, this revolves around 'people'. Interpersonal intelligence is all about your behavior with people, you could call it 'people skills' and that can only be enhanced when you be with them followed by learning and understanding from them and about them.

There are many counseling careers for those who either possess or acquire interpersonal intelligence and have the potential to become successful and such careers include politicians, psychologists, teachers, philosophers, business persons, sales persons and counselors. Any industry that involves people requires professionals with interpersonal communication skills as interpersonal relationships at work play a very important role at the workplace. With service industries blooming, it is imperative that one develops interpersonal intelligence, as it requires handling people. I call them the most complex amongst all the living beings!

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