Senin, 17 September 2012

Leadership is about confidence and decision-making. It is about taking people along. Being a leader is about commanding respect from your followers and earning their admiration for the kind of leader and the kind of person you are. The way you think and act should make people look up to you and believe in you and your abilities.

Set an Example
It is important for a leader to be trustworthy and have a strong character. He should be capable of leading his followers. Efficient leadership involves guiding the followers in the right direction, helping them attain the intended goal. Words are effective only if accompanied by action. So the leader must set an example for his followers through his own life and actions. It is then that he gains the moral right to lead.

Be Enthusiastic
An enthusiastic leader is a good leader. His interest in the realization of goals motivates his followers to work. It is his keenness that encourages the followers to take efforts towards the objective. An enthusiastic and open-minded leader seems more approachable to his followers. Approachability is one of the fundamental attributes that help others feel comfortable with their leader.

Be Confident
Next comes confidence, the key determinant of true leadership! Without self-confidence, a leader cannot expect others to follow him. Earning trust and respect comes as an effect of the poise that a leader has. The confidence that a leader has in him, translates into him taking the right decisions and effective actions. Excellence is something a leader must constantly be in pursuit of. Effective execution of tasks translates into excellence.

Keep Your Cool
Being able to keep one's cool in all kinds of situations is the essential constituent of being a good leader. Your calm helps you in taking the right decisions. Hasty decisions may invite repentance. Being impatient won't help. As a leader, you need to think calmly in all circumstances and think in the direction of the planned accomplishment of the goals set. You cannot afford to lose your composure in critical situations because the outcome of criticalities entirely depends on the decision you take at that point of time. Your decision-making capacity makes you stand out from the crowd, thus making you a good leader!

Know Thy People
To make a good leader; you must know your people. You need to make selections, delegate responsibilities and choose worthy people to implement your decisions. Understanding the potential of your people is important for the proper execution of work. Making fair and right choices at the right time is the hallmark of a good leader.

Be Reasonable and Understanding
To be a good leader, one must always remember that he is leading people! It is the people who make him the leader by following him. It is unjust to pay no heed to what the followers want. The followers have expectations from their leader. The fulfillment of their expectations has a direct impact on their admiration of their leader. To be a good leader, you need to be understanding and considerate with people. You need to help them fight their weaknesses, laud their strengths and take them along on the path of success.

Commitment towards your work and concern for your people make you a good leader.

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