Rabu, 21 November 2012

If you are visiting India or the subcontinent, then you are visiting a highly diverse, religious, spiritual and cultural land of people who believe in the 'Indian-ness', which is a kind of decorum or a way of life that is followed by almost all people living in India. This decorum of behavior is followed by every Indian person irrespective of his religion, age or any kind of social standing. Some common practices have been discussed in the following article. One of the greatest things about this nation is that it is warm, in every possible manner and people worship their motherland as Goddess India. Cultural decorum and social manners are distinct, and if followed properly then the people here tend to be really, really warm hosts, with fantastic business etiquette.

Business and Social Customs of India

The first thing that one should know about India and Indians is that it is a land of people, experience, culture and religions. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism are the major religions that are practiced in India. All Indians have deep faith for all other religions, irrespective of the faith that they follow. Hence appropriate festive greetings such as 'Shubha Dipawali', 'Id Mubarak' and even 'Merry Christmas' are exchanged in gusto and enthusiasm as every Indian holds a high respect for every other faith.

Hindus consider cows to be holy and for Muslims pigs are a taboo. Hence avoid gifting anything that is made up of leather to any Indian. Apart from that, if you are having a meal with an Indian, avoid consuming beef and pork. Avoid criticizing any person, social custom or religious rite, as offense will be taken very seriously and collectively. Mutual discussions and even corporate meetings tend to have a very, very warm informal tone, but at the same time personal space is highly respected.

Business customs and practices in India tend to be informal, hence do not be surprised if you are invited for lunch or dinner. Important fact, accept the invitation, as it shows that you respect the person inviting you. Eating with your left hand is considered to be impolite, more appropriately, unhygienic. Many Indians are very staunch vegetarians, hence avoid consuming meat, fish and eggs in the presence of such a person. Saying thank you after a meal is not acceptable, appreciate the food and say something like 'God Bless you'. Many Indians also abstain from consuming alcohol, and smoking in public places or homes is often frowned upon. Two things that you need to bear in mind, Indians remove their shoes while going inside a house, or a place of worship. Secondly, they never, every address any other person elder to them by their first name, a title is always attached for example Mr, Sir, Ma'am, etc.

Corporate Etiquette in India

Corporate etiquette is quite different and as always is warm. The most important thing is that ensure that you are polite and clear, yet firm while in a meeting. Formal hand shakes are common in the Indian meetings. In case if you have a lady at the meeting, 'do not shake her hand if she does not initiate it', a simple heart-felt 'Namaste' is sufficient.

Apart from that, dressing conservatively is essential, a tie and suit is preferable, yet if the weather is too hot, a simple full trouser and a plain shirt will do. Women should dress in very conservative pantsuits or clothing that cover their entire legs. During the meeting, warm small talk is common and humor is an integral part of the conversation. Butt slapping and kissing (on the cheek of course) your business associates is unacceptable, however, manly hugs and back slaps are common. Never lose your temper and talk slowly with good pronunciation and lesser figures of speech, as even today British English with a highly sophisticated Indian English is used throughout India. Try to lose your accent while talking as Indians have a sparkling clean accent free English (in most of the cases) that also does not mix with another accent. Indians never open their gifts in front of other people. Make it a point to carry a bunch of visiting cards as Indians tend to exchange and preserve visiting cards. Note that Indians have a razor-sharp memory, and your name and face is registered forever in the person's mind. Maintaining an erect posture, good constitutions during meetings, discussions and social gatherings is necessary. Never ever put your feet on a seat or a table or even a bed, it's considered to be bad manners.

Some people have a tendency to call the Indian culture as primitive, however, it is not so as the Indian society and the culture are both highly sophisticated and yet very, very warm and welcoming. If you are going to India for the first time, then you are about to experience one of the best and most diverse cultures in the world.

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