Selasa, 13 November 2012

Are you financially responsible? If not, then you need to evaluate your financial goals for future. If you're not on the path for some significant savings, that inherently is of utmost importance, you may risk deep trouble in any future course of financial crisis. It is high time to rethink about your financial commitments and establish your priorities. Financial responsibility when seen from an individual perspective is effective money management. In terms of law, it is a commitment from firms or individuals to repay the amount for any potential damage done to environment or loss of men or property. For instance, if you own a chemical factory, you have to prove through insurance or other methods that you have money to pay for costs of third party liabilities or any loss due to leakages or any harm done to the environment. Have a look at both sides of this financial term.

Budgeting Tips for Teenagers: Overview

Our expenses are formed since our childhood days and it is influenced by our family background to quite a large extent. Parents who underestimate the value of developing good money saving habits amongst kids in their formal years, find that their grown up teenagers are spent thrift and don't value money. It all comes through the way we have been exposed in handling finances. Inculcating saving habits in children plays a vital role in helping them manage money in their teenage years. Once your teenage child gets a hang of managing money, he'll learn to exercise greater independence in his financial decisions. Student credit card debt, student loans, car loans and home loans are just some of the debts that are enough to handle in a lifetime. By adopting poor spending habits, student must not increase extra burden on their parents financial commitments. Exercising several money saving ideas can be of great help as that can help students and parents to be at peace regarding their present and future financial needs.

Modern-day teenagers have a lifestyle wherein major expenses are incurred in cell phone bills, car payment, insurance, food and rent. While these may be basic requirements, the sum total of these costs is higher. Added to these are the student loan installments and other living expenses in traveling, gas, cable, food and clothing. Now to build a good investment plan for teenagers requires some personal sacrifices from teenagers. To do so, some expenses like car traveling can be replaced by public transport options. If the student stays in college campus, most of his time is spent in college and that can reduce extra bills on traveling. Similarly, you must encourage your teenager to live a simple lifestyle. This doesn't mean he or she can't party.

Certainly, they must enjoy college life but not at the cost of ending pocket money without giving it any thought. One of the best tips for saving money for teens is to use their free times effectively. Teenagers must also be encouraged to do part-time jobs so that they can learn value of money of consequently its effective management. Teenagers and adults alike must learn about investment options like the mutual funds and SIP to save money for future needs. Credit card, at first, must not be given to teenagers, to be very frank. However, since it can be helpful in urgent situations, if you're giving credit cards to your teenage son or daughter, do inform them about the demerits quite clearly. There is no worse debt than a bad credit card debt. If their credit card report remains bad from the starting of their career, it can be problematic for them in the future. It is advisable to help your teenager seek counseling with a financial adviser and help them learn some simple systematic approaches to save money.

Financial Responsibility Law

Legally, financial responsibility exists as per the US constitutional laws. When a firm or an individual seeks financial responsibility certifications from their respective State authorities, they are entitled to minimum insurance coverage in the event of any accident. In the US, an SR - 22, called Certificate of Responsibility (CFR) proves that an individual has a minimum required insurance liability coverage. The proof of this certificate is mostly required by drivers or people involved in traffic accidents or any sort of traffic offense. Not just in traffic aws, even chemical factories or owners and operators of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) are also required to file financial responsibility forms. The filings for traffic and driving cases can be done by requesting the insurance provider or contacting the Department of Local Motors Vehicles. For more information on laws pertaining to this law, one needs to contact their respective federal and state offices.

As we can see, financial responsibility has various dimensions associated to it. Personally, it is an individual's commitment to manage money effectively and from US laws perspective, it is a commitment to have liabilities insurance of minimum amount in the wake of any accidents.

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