Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan

More often than not, our day at work is repetitive. You clock in, get to your regular task as usual, take breaks when you want, and once the shift is over, head on out. In between the 8 hours you're at work, maybe, just maybe you interacted with another employee; and that could've only been to discuss something work related. After your time is up at work, you pack your stuff, tidy up your desk, and come back home. So was there any non-work related conversation you had with your colleagues? How much do you know about the person sitting next to you at work? In an organization, working alongside your colleagues and interacting with each other is very important. And that's what office team building games are for. In our article today, we will be going over some office games which are fun and exciting to play.

Fun and Exciting Office Games

While organizing any creative team building activities and games, you need to make sure that everyone is an integral part of it. For example, there are a total of 100 employees in the office, there's no point in searching for 10, 20, or 50 people games, right? So keep that in mind. And to answer your question on what are some exciting games, find out in this Buzzle article.

Know Me Better
Our first game requires everyone to make pairs. Everyone will find another colleague that they hardly know. Now in that pair, both the members are supposed to ask them 3 questions -
  1. What is the most proud moment for you, at work or in personal life?
  2. Is there something about you that others don't know about?
  3. What is your most embarrassing moment in your life?
After this round of games is over, each pair will share the answers to the questions with everyone. This way, you will learn a little more about your colleagues and can relate on a more personal level.

For our next activity, we need to use the drums. You can choose from African or Samba drums for this. Every employee gets a drum and one person, who knows how to play them will stand in the middle. Make a circle around this person and follow the rhythms as guided. The beat and rhythms help in bringing the team together. It motivates and energizes them along with increasing their concentration level. This is one of the best games you can organize as it prompts cooperation among employees.

Scavenger Hunt
As an excellent employee motivation project, you can play scavenger hunt. We all used to play this game when we were kids. So why should we stop it now? You can play the game right inside the building by making a list of items to locate and make a map of the office. Then make groups (depending on how many employees there are) and hand each group a map and list of items. Ready, set, go! May the best group win.

Singing and Dancing
Similar to what drumming does, you can also try group singing and dancing as a part of your fun team building activity. Many people claim that they can't sing and/or dance. This may be true but when everyone is together and working towards a goal, anything is possible. Group singing and dancing helps in developing confidence level, listening skills, relieve frustration, and get energized. It helps in bonding everyone together because what one employee is doing is the same as everyone else. As you can see, teamwork is very crucial here.

These were some office games for employees that will not only motivate them and guarantee teamwork, but also bring change at the workplace. Apart from these team building activities, there are many icebreaker games which you can organize. The main point is to keep everyone engaged and entertained. Only this way can employees come closer and get to know one another properly.

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