Best Investment Books
Books are portals that provide us access to the wisdom and recorded follies of men that came before us. While it is true that reading books won't teach you everything you need to know, the experience of masters recorded in the written word, may guide us in the right direction. Experience is priceless and the books written by experts of a particular subject is replete with it. If you are thinking of becoming an investor, there are a million things that you need to learn. One way to learn investing is to find a good teacher (That's what Warren Buffett did and found Benjamin Graham), or do the next best thing which is getting hold of the best books on investment, for beginners.
Best Books on Investing
Investing is managing money and creating valued assets. Investing and financial planning go hand in hand. For your wealth to grow, money must be wisely invested. You have a range of options when it comes to investing your money. If you really consider all the range of investment alternatives, it can be truly overwhelming for a beginner. Thankfully, there are signposts provided by some of the best investment books ever written, which can guide you through the maze. Here are reviews of the top investment books that will help you make sense of the chaotic activity that investing can be.
The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
Probably the best book on investment ever written, this book by value investing guru - Benjamin Graham has been the bible for most investors for years. Generations have profited from the clear strategy of value investing expounded by Graham. It underlines an extremely sound theory on how to select the best stocks. Acknowledged as the best book on investing by none other than Warren Buffet, this book is a must read.
One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market by Peter Lynch & John Rothchild
This is another classic that explains stock investing in simple terms and presents a shrewd strategy for beginner investors. Backed by the experience of Peter Lynch who is one of the most successful investors on Wall Street, this book is a recommended reading for every beginning investor.
Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham & David Dodd
If you want to deeply understand how to analyze the intrinsic value of securities, then 'Security Analysis' is the book for you. It will help you understand the prime factors that need to be scrutinized while investing in the stock market. It is the hard core theory of value investing put forward by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd.
Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher
Providing a different perspective from Benjamin Graham, 'Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits' is another masterpiece. It presents the growth stock investing strategy in detail which was pioneered by Philip Fisher himself. Another must read book for beginners.
Beating the Street by Peter Lynch
Written especially for beginner investors, another great book by Peter Lynch, 'Beating the Street' is sound advice from an experienced investor, packaged in easy to digest form.
The Interpretation of Financial Statements by Benjamin Graham & Spencer B. Meredith
The third of Benjamin Graham Classics, 'The Interpretation of Financial Statements', along with 'Security Analysis' and 'The Intelligent Investor' are your complete guide to value investing. Here Graham and Meredith explain in detail how financial statements should be read and understood, as they form an important part of stock research.
How to be a Billionaire by Martin.S.Fridson
This book by Fridson is a biographical account of the billionaires in America from the last 200 years. It is an interesting insight into investing and amassing wealth from lives of the ones who did it.
The Essays of Warren Buffett
Directly from the master, this is a compendium of select essays from the letters written by Warren Buffett to Berkshire Hathway share holders. These contains lessons in money management, value investing, people management and the art of winning over shareholder confidence.
Money Masters of Our Time by John Train
This book is a study of the methods and strategies of 17 great investors of our time. It provides great insight into the different investment strategies of the masters of Wall Street. Mr.Train has done an excellent job of documenting and analyzing how these successful investors played the markets.
The Only Three Questions That Count by Ken Fisher
The most contemporary of all the listed books, 'The Only Three Questions', written by Ken Fisher is indeed an eye opener. It is a thorough analysis of stock investing strategy from inside out. Readers will benefit from Fisher's analytical approach.
All these books are recommended reading for anybody who wants to seriously learn investment theory and put it effectively in practice. The advice and investment strategies presented are tried and tested by masters in real life. So waste no more time and get hold of these books as soon as possible.
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