Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Many people love to keep dogs as pets. Training dogs is extremely essential so that they learn to behave properly and listen to their owner's instructions. These days many dog owners prefer sending their pets to dog trainers who are professionally sound to provide training to dogs. With increasing need of good dog trainers, this profession has gained significant upswing. Any person who loves to be with dogs, and has the flair of training and taking care of them, can opt for this career. A career in dog training not only gives you enough time to share your love and affection with these animals, but also gives you the liberty to work from the comfort of your home. It also gives you the flexibility to train the pet at its owner's place, if you wish to. The advantages of this home-based business are flexibility in work timings, work location, and variety in everyday tasks which does not leave you bored of performing the same task again and again. Disadvantages include dangers associated with close proximity to aggressive dogs and drop in business during winter months, which calls for an alternate means of income during that period.

Starting a Dog Training Business

Setting up a new business right from scratch requires proper planning and channelizing of available resources. A dog training business is comparatively simple to set up and does not require a lot of capital to start off. A reasonable amount will be sufficient to begin with and further investment can be made depending on the progress of the business. To kick-start with your dog training business, here is all you need to do.

Brush Up Your Dog Training Skills
Before starting any business, it is important to acquire proper knowledge and skills in that particular field to reduce the chances of failure. Inadequate preparation often turns the progress graph downwards for any business. Research about new training techniques that are utilized by other dog trainers. Read magazines and reports to learn what's new in the business. This will keep you at par with the latest trends and will provide added advantage over trainers utilizing outdated training skills.

Attend Seminars and Pet Expos
Many organizations carry out seminars and pet expos on this subject. Attending these seminars can definitely help you in gaining knowledge about the profession and the business as a whole. Information about seminars to be conducted are often mentioned in their websites, and you can always check the date and venue of an upcoming seminar so that you do not miss on that one.

Gain Some Experience
Any kind of hands-on experience is great to get the actual feel of your work. Experience can be gained by voluntarily working in animal shelters that are located nearby. Work experience with an experienced veterinarian is also a good option as they are the best people to tell how to handle pet dogs and ways to train them and their owners.

Get a Dog Training Certification
A dog training certification is an important document for any dog trainer. It is a document that accredits the educational qualification, experience, and animal training skills of a professional dog trainer. With this document by your side, no one can question your genuineness.

Prepare a Business Plan
Decide on the amount of money you want to put into the business at the initial stage, how you're going to go about it, and the services you will provide to your customers. There are several types of services that a dog trainer provides. It's up to a person to decide which specialization he/she wants to take up. Services like creating awareness before buying a pet, puppy and competition obedience, voice and hand command training are few ones which are provided by dog trainers.

Apply for a Business Permit
Every area has its own set of required documents that need to be submitted to obtain a business permit. So check them out, and once the document list is with you, collect all of them and follow the submission procedure to get a permit from the designated authority.

Decide the Work Location
A canine training business gives the flexibility to either work from home or carry out training sessions at the pet owner's place. So if you do not wish to travel, a reasonably sized room will be sufficient for conducting training. However, one thing you need to make sure is that the room must not contain any item that can be harmful to dogs.

Buy Adequate Supplies
You don't need many supplies for a dog training center. Many owners bring their dogs with collars and leash, so you don't need to worry about them. You can get sufficient supplies of toys, treats, and whistles to help in training dogs.

Advertise Your Business
Any business needs strategic marketing tools to gain attention of the customers. Only then a business can expect a reasonable amount of customers approaching it for its services. Advertisements in websites and pet stores, fliers to vet clinics and dog specific organizations, newspapers, radio, local television channels, and word of mouth are few means of marketing your business. Providing good service to customers also helps in spreading a positive message to other pet owners.

Get Insured
Once you are done with all the points mentioned above, get an insurance coverage to meet the financial needs for undesired instances like dog bite. Many dog trainer associations provide this type of insurance to its members along with other benefits. With the insurance coverage in place, you are all set to get started with your dog training center.

Training dogs is not all that is done by a dog trainer. Regular training sessions of pet owners must also be taken so that dog training advice can be given to them. So now that you know how to begin this business, with right people skills and animal training skills, you can easily accomplish your work and take it to new levels of success.

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