Most people are well aware of the necessity of securing sufficient personal insurance coverage for their property like their homes, cars, and so on. This is because everybody realizes that these things can some day be damaged, stolen, or lost, leaving them struggling to get replacements.
But what about coverage for the things that cannot be bought at a store, put a monetary value on, or replaced? For instance, things such as protection for the future, maintaining an accustomed standard of life, sustaining a good quality of life, and of course peace of mind. This is where the personal umbrella insurance policy enters the picture.
A personal umbrella insurance policy will augment the coverage you already have on your home and automobile, just by paying a small premium, thus providing yourself and your assets an additional level of protection. So, why should you need this extra layer of protection? Well, it's always best to be prepared in case you are sued for a higher amount than covered by your existing policy. For, if that were to happen, your whole lifestyle could be jeopardized.
Many people have the misconception that umbrella insurance policies are only meant for the affluent. As a matter of fact, just about anybody who could be subject to legal action due to causing serious injury to somebody - whether the injury is caused by your child, your pet, or you - can avail themselves of the peace of mind offered by a personal umbrella insurance policy. For example, say your child's friend should be seriously injured while playing in your backyard, or if your dog should attack your neighbor, or if a guest should be injured due to some faulty construction in your home, an insurance policy will help you to overcome the legal threat without jeopardizing the finances meant for your future.
Typically, personal umbrella insurance policies cover for the following:
- Legal judgments for liability that surpass the limits of liability insurance coverage provided by the policies on your home and automobile. Put differently, the primary policy you have, would pay the maximum damages it covers for, while the personal umbrella insurance policy will pay for the overages, if any.
- In the event of you, your child, or your pet causing another person bodily injury, damage to property, or injury to the person in the form of slander or libel.
- Costs involving hiring defense lawyers and legal fees.
- Judgment awarding compensation which exceeds the actual damages as a form of punishment for willful or malicious misconduct.
- Claims of liability regarding your own business, for which you will require a business insurance policy.
If you decide to opt for a personal umbrella insurance policy, it is best to consult your agent who maintains your present homeowner's and automobile policies. There are high chances of him/her giving you the most seamless coverage and the best rate. Which means that in case of disaster striking, you won't have to deal with various insurance companies squabbling over which one should bear the liability. However, in order to compare the rates, it is advisable to check up with other agents to find out about the fees. Although a personal umbrella insurance policy will not provide foolproof protection, but it can be a comforting thought to have an additional layer between you and a lawsuit that has the potential of being financially ruining.
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